Derrick Rose : Bulls Vs Lakers

Even as their team won championships, Lakers fans came to tire of the cir- cumstances. There was the game’s overwhelmingly dominant center and the game’s resplendent, highflying, ultra-talented wing player, both seemingly caught in a constant snit over who should have the ball. And the newspapers were having a field day reporting their clashes. Shaq versus Kobe, right?Derrick Rose : Bulls Vs Lakers . Hardly. We’re talking about George Mikan, the pro game’s first great center, and Jim Pollard, the original jumping jack, playmaking guard/forward. A half
century before Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant chased their curious chemistry as Lakers teammates, Mikan and Pollard spent their careers with the old Minneapolis Lakers alternating between fighting over the ball and winning championships. They won six of them, in fact, including five NBA titles and one in the old National League. And they debated their chemistry every step of the way. The bad news for O’Neal and Bryant is that four decades after Mikan and Pollard won their last title, they were still jawing over the issue in interviews for history books.Derrick Rose : Bulls Vs Lakers  It seems that these hoops conflicts run forever, or until the last sports talk radio show signs off. As Tex Winter, the longtime observer of the game, explained, “That’s basketball.” That’s also the Lakers, the ultimate team in the history of the game. As the cover of this book declares, this is their story, told in their own words. Not surprisingly, it’s a bit complicated. There’s a team plane crash in a snowstorm, at least two near financial fail- ures, more than a few bewildering real estate transactions, a high-profile rape case, a low-profile indecent exposure case, an unsolved murder, the firings ofseveral winning coaches, and enough sexual hijinks to qualify as a soap opera,

The Insurance Book of Complete , Understand the Coverage You REALLY Need

         The purpose of this book is to demystify the world of insurance for the average homeowner, car owner and driver, and apartment renter. It is almost impossible for ordinary consumers to make genuinely informed choices without understanding how the business of insurance works; what the different marketing channels for selling policies are; and, what is or is not typically covered by a given kind of policy. Unfortunately, if the wrong choices are made and a loss occurs, the consequences can be all too interesting, frightening, and life-changing. Unsuitable insurance choices present the potential of no coverage for a substantial theft or fire loss or not enough coverage for a catastrophic liability lawsuit, such as an automobile accident, that could
force you into bankruptcy. Is insurance a complete answer to all risks of adverse financial circumstances?
No, of course not. But, within the realm of potential exposures to loss that the average person will face, insurance provides a relatively inexpensive way of helping to protect one’s property and fortunes from ruin.
          As an insurance coverage attorney, I have often seen the consequences of the failure to purchase insurance that could easily have provided protection from an avoidable, uncovered claim. Liability exposures under homeowners and auto policies present potentially great financial exposures to the average homeowner, auto owner, tenant, or small business owner. There is the crucial requirement that you maintain adequate insurance to value. There is also a need for you to do something to document your personal property and to maintain that record in a secure place, preferably off premises, in the event of a total loss. This book will highlight many similar issues. I mean to inform, not lecture. I am as upset and angered by claims that are mishandled as by claims in which I see denials of coverage that are correct because the policyholders were uneducated or misinformed and therefore did not purchase appropriate coverage. Too often, individuals find themselves
in litigation with their insurers, their insurance agent, or both over a claim that they believed was or should have been covered. Regardless of the correctness of the insurer’s claim decision, such litigation can impose financial and emotional costs on the individuals involved. I welcome the opportunity to provide the reader with information necessary to become an informed insurance consumer, and thereby afford those readers the peace of mind that insurance is meant to provide.

          I am an attorney and work for a law firm that represents a great many insurers. Thus, the following disclaimer.The opinions expressed throughout this book are my personal opinions, not those of the law firm for which I work, nor of any of that firm’s clients: insurers, or otherwise. I also give some examples in this book as to how certain coverage provisions may or may not apply or be interpreted. Unless the example comes from an identified court decision, these examples are purely hypothetical and should be considered illustrative only. In a real life situation, a judge or jury may disagree with how I suggest a policy provision should be understood or interpreted. No attorney-client relationship exists, and shall not be deemed to exist, between any purchaser or reader of this book and the author, the law firm for which the author works, or of any of that firm’s attorneys.The discussions in this book are general and are intended to provide the reader with background information about various aspects of the business of insurance to assist the reader in making decisions about insurance issues. No legal advice is contained in or offered by this book, and nothing stated in this book should be relied on as such. Any reader having specific questions needs to consult with a lawyer licensed to practice in the state where the reader lives. The facts of a particular situation and the actual language of the reader’s policy, interpreted according to applicable local laws, will control the outcome of any particular issue or claim.


Fifty More Places to Play Golf Before You Die: Golf Experts Share the World's Greatest Destinations

This book would not have been possible without the generous assistance of the expert golfers who shared their time and experiences to help bring these great golf venues to life. To these men and women, I offer the most heartfelt thanks. I would especially like to thank Jeff Wallach and Kevin Cook, who offered encouragement and made many introductions on my behalf. I also want to acknowledge the fine efforts of my agent, Stephanie Kip Rostan, editor, Jennifer Levesque, and designer, Anna Christian, who helped bring
the book into being, along with copy editor Sylvia Karchmar and proofreader Elizabeth Norment. Since I first picked up a golf club when I was sixteen years old, I’ve made many fine golfing friends, some of whom I can still defeat on occasion. This group includes Ken Matsumoto, Gary Smith, Howard Kyser, Peter “Jimi” Clough, Mike McDonough (I’m taking good care of the trophy, Mike!), Jeff Sang, Jerry Stein, Dave Sinise, Ed O’Brien, Don Ryder, Lee Galban, Andy and Peter Waugh, Dave Tegeler, Chris Bittenbender, Sloan
Morris, Keith Carlson, Roberto Borgatti, Andrew Altman, and Paul Riffel. I look forward to many more days on the links with these friends and the new ones to be made on the first tee. These companions all understand that there’s no performance on the first eighteen holes that can’t be made a bit better by a brief stop at the nineteenth! Lastly, I must thank my mom and dad for their constant encouragement, and the three ladies in my life—Deidre, Cassidy, and Annabel—for their generosity in time and spirit, which lets me slide away to the links so frequently. If only they could help me improve my game. . .


Keynes's General Theory After Seventy Years (International Economic Association)

We are very grateful to the Monte dei Paschi di Siena for its generous sponsorship of the International Economic Association conference “Keynes’s General Theory After Seventy Years”, July 3 to 6, 2006, to the University of Siena for its support of the conference, and to Valerie Natzios and Robert Mundell for their wonderful hospitality at the Palazzo Mundell in Santa Colomba, where the conference was held. In addition to the more formal papers collected here, the participants in the conference had the great treat of hearing C. Lowell Harris’s recollections of how Keynes’s General Theory was received at Columbia University in 1937, when Professor Harris began his graduate studies there. We thank Fay Sun for her work on the index to this volume. Thanks are also due to Siena for being Siena: in addition to the seventieth anniversary of the publication of Keynes’s General Theory, the conference also marked the centenary of Keynes’s visit to Siena, and one can easily understand why he was so delighted with Siena and Tuscany.

Technische Mechanik für Bauingenieure 1, 3. Auflage: Statisch bestimmte Stabwerke

Die „Technische Mechanik für Bauingenieure“ behandelt in drei Bänden die Festig- keitslehre und Statik der Stabtragwerke und richtet sich an Studenten der Fach- richtung Bauingenieurwesen an Fachhochschulen und Technischen Universitäten.   Ziel der Texte ist, dem Leser die Technik der Problemlösung zu zeigen und ihn mit  dem dabei benutzten Instrumentarium vertraut zu machen. Aufbau und Darstellung  des Stoffes haben sich in Vorlesungen an der Fachhochschule Münster über mehrere  Jahre bewährt. Es wird durchgehend problemorientiert (= methodenorientiert) und  nicht systemorientiert gearbeitet. Fragen der Motivation wurde besondere Aufmerk- samkeit geschenkt. 
Band 1 beschreibt die Untersuchung statisch bestimmter Stabwerke, insbesondere  die Ermittlung von Stützgrößen und Zustandslinien. Die Leistungsfähigkeit von  Schnittprinzip und Gleichgewichtsbetrachtung wird an vielen verschiedenartigen  Beispielen gezeigt. Dabei wird dem Einfeldträger als Elementar-Tragwerk besonde- re Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. An vielen Stellen wird dargestellt, wie man Berech- nungen praktisch vereinfachen kann. Ausführlich werden Bezugssystem, Vorzei- chenregelung und Fragen der Darstellung besprochen. An einigen wenigen Stellen  wird der Ablauf der Berechnung in einem Ablaufplan dargestellt, wodurch eine  Übertragung der numerischen Rechnung auf einen Rechner erleichtert wird.
Die Herleitung der Ergebnisse geschieht stets mit allgemeinen Zahlen. Die grafische  Darstellung dieser Ergebnisse jedoch wird in den meisten Fällen für bestimmte  Zahlenwerte vorgenommen; diese Zahlenwerte sind dabei so gewählt, dass ein Ver- gleich mit zuvor erarbeiteten Ergebnissen unmittelbar möglich ist. 
Dieser vergleichende Überblick wird auch durch die Anordnung mehrerer Tafeln  erleichtert, die nebeneinander noch einmal das zeigen, was zuvor nacheinander  erarbeitet wurde. Einen ähnlichen Zweck haben die Zusammenfassungen am Ende  jedes größeren Kapitels, die zusammen mit den entsprechenden Einleitungen den  Stoff der einzelnen Kapitel durchsichtiger machen und in einen größeren Zusam- menhang stellen sollen.   Herzlich danke ich schließlich dem Verlag Vieweg+Teubner, und hier insbesondere  Herrn Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Harms, Frau Annette Prenzer und Frau Sabine Koch, Lektorat  Bauwesen, für die immer sehr angenehme Zusammenarbeit.


Golf's Greatest Eighteen : Today's Top Golf Writers Debate and Rank the Sport's Greatest Champions

There is endless animated debate in famous clubhouses—at Augusta during the Masters, St. Andrews during Royal and Ancient Golf Club meetings, indeed at all major championship venues: if a foursome of Bobby Jones, Ben Hogan, Jack Nicklaus, and Tiger Woods were to play today, who would be the champion of champions? The proposition would be even more intriguing were they to compete on the same terms of modern, wonderfully conditioned courses, using the latest aerodynamic golf balls and rocket-shafted titanium clubs.
A fantasy, of course, but David Mackintosh has come close to answering this intriguing question with actuarial acumen. Indeed, the intrepid compiler of this book has gone much further than just one match, pitting the best of the twentieth century, all against all, in the most fascinating analysis ever. Applying a logic that the most constant factor in professional golf over the years has been competition for prize money, David has given every great player in his Golf’s Greatest Eighteen a fascinating opportunity—playing on today’s world tour for the same rewards to see who comes out on top. This remarkable feat of accurately balancing many thousands of events over ninety years reveals some remarkable and previously unconsidered aspects of the game’s all-time heroes. So who really was the greatest of all time? In the spirit of the challenge, the author simply provides the facts,many thousands of them, neatly arranged to put these glorious champions
in perspective, each reader then the final judge. 
Additionally, chapter after chapter, vivid word portraits capture these great figures at the pinnacle of their time on center stage—their spirits as well as their crucial swings. James Dodson on Sam Snead in southern hillbilly
vernacular is splendidly authentic; Stanford man John Garrity on Stanford champion Tom Watson, both with midwestern values, is arrow-straight. Kay Kessler has the ultimate inside track on Jack Nicklaus, following his
every footstep from schoolboy Ohio days to the present. Jaime Diaz on the determined, disciplined, and shot-making perfectionist Ben Hogan is splendid stuff as indeed is each and every contribution. I have had the great privilege to play with some of the men portrayed here or at least stood in awe in the presence of Bobby Jones, Ben Hogan, and others. And I know all these writers and admire their passion for our game’s great history—passion obvious in each turn of phrase, each word of praise. No false flattery here. The authors of the eighteen essays here know their men and their times. Past greatness simply flows from their pens, chapter after chapter, leaving the warm afterglow of having met excellence, in its own time.
I hope you will savor the treats presented within the covers of this outstanding compilation as much as I did.

Robert Trent Jones, Jr.
Palo Alto, California, March 2003


Getting a Loan By Dianne Mylenbusch

Getting a loan means getting credit. That seems easy enough to understand, especially when you’re looking for a car loan, boat loan, or home loan. However, to completely understand credit, you need to look at credit as a way of life. You live in a “cashless” society, where plastic credit cards are more common in wallets than paper money. Learning about credit is a journey toward building one of the most important financial tools you can use — not only to make purchases, but also to enhance your reputation and standard of living. Does it matter how you handle your credit? You bet! The manner in which you establish, develop, and maintain your
credit is a direct reflection of your credibility, trustworthiness, and ability to repay your debt. It can affect your future employment and credit-seeking opportunities. Your focus is to make credit work for you, not for credit to overwhelm you in excessive debt. In this book, I share my knowledge of credit from both sides of the desk: as a loan administrator and as a credit-using consumer. Here you learn how to establish and properly maintain your credit. You explore the variety of avenues where credit is available: store charge cards and bank credit cards, as well as loans for your home, car, higher education, and major appliances. Finally, you identify the early warning signs of credit trouble, its unfortunate consequences, and how to seek counseling and fix your situation.



TO THE CONSUMER, it may seem like a mortgage is a mortgage is a mortgage. Find a house, put some money down, and move in. But the mortgage industry has gone through some major changes that affect absolutely everyone who wants to obtain financing to buy a home. Everyone. Understanding and interpreting these changes is critical to properly planning for the right financing. Make a mistake, and you’ll get the wrong loan. A mistake on a 30-year mortgage means a potential reminder of that mistake for the next 360 months. It can even mean the difference between getting approved or not getting approved. What used to be a complex mess of literally hundreds of different loan types has now been broken down into two basic categories: conventional and government. But those loans have also taken on their own twists and turns like never before.
For a 30-year fixed-rate loan, there are now literally 54 permutations to calculate not only the rate and terms but the literal approval itself. Loan programs have vanished. Credit guidelines have been restored to their original roots and in some cases made more onerous. Still others provide financing options not available before. It used to be that simply applying for a mortgage loan meant an approval of some type, somewhere. No longer. It also used to mean that almost anyone could be in the mortgage business and become a ‘‘loan officer.’’ No longer. This is the first book that lays out the new rules, why they’re there and how to get approved in the new mortgage market. Or perhaps ‘‘new’’ isn’t the best descriptor. Perhaps it’s simply a reversion to original lending guidelines. In reality, both statements are correct. But to understand where we are now, we have to understand how we got here.


The Rough Guide to Montenegro 1 (Rough Guide Travel Guides)

Boasting one of the most dramatic stretches of coastline in all of Europe, as well as some of the continent’s wildest and most beautiful mountains, tiny Montenegro is likely to confound most visitors’ expectations. Nearly 300km long, its stunning Adriatic coastline is liberally sprinkled with historic towns, lively beach resorts, secluded coves and comely white-stone fishing villages, all punctuated by strips of fine sand and pebble beaches. The remote, often inhospitable interior, meanwhile, displays an outstanding array of snowdusted peaks, crystalclear lakes and rivers and deep forests and canyons. The whole adds up to a diverse landscape quite extraordinary for such asmall country.


Fit for Golf : How a Personalized Conditioning Routine Can Help You Improve Your Score, Hit the Ball Further, and E

Several years ago someone told me that once you hit thirty-five you have to work harder just to keep playing golf at the same level. I want to play until I’m fifty-five, and I don’t want to be one of those guys just barely clinging to the PGA Tour. I want to keep getting better and I want to win. So when I turned thirty-five, I hired Boris Kuzmic as my personal trainer and started working out. I liked Boris’s background as both a professional golfer and fitness expert, and with the workout plan he designed for me, my torso strength and flexibility improved and my clubhead speed increased, which allowed me to hit the ball farther. 
Before long, working out became such a part of my routine that I regarded it as essential as hitting balls and practicing putting. I built a gym in my house and put a stair-climber in the TV room. Most people don’t know this, but on the final Sunday of the 2000 Masters I had to go out early to finish my third round before playing the final round. Boris and I met at 5:45 a.m. to spend a half hour in the gym getting warm and loose. I played twenty-two holes that day and wound up winning the tournament, which gives you some idea of how important fitness had become to me and my game. That’s an extreme situation, but whether you’re a weekend golfer, an aspiring junior player, or just someone who’s trying to get better, working out can help you, too. You can’t hire Boris, like I did, but he has put everything he knows about exercise for golfers into this book, which is almost sure to help. Although Boris has moved back to Sweden, I continue to work out harder than ever and I never miss a day. In fact, when I’m at home I often work out twice a day—in the morning before practice and then again afterward. Last year, at the age of forty, I won four times on the PGA Tour, recorded eighteen top ten finishes, and ended up first on the money list, so I think it’s safe to say that adding physical fitness to my golf routine has certainly worked out for me. I’m sure it can help you, too.


The Metal Life Car The Inventor, the Impostor, and the Business of Lifesaving

I thank Susan Buker, my daughter- in- law, for her critique of my early draft. My thanks also go to John Arrison of the Penobscot Marine Museum Library, Jean Vickey of the Erie County Public Library, Cynthia Ploucher of the National Parks Service, Outer Banks Group, and Frances Hayden of the North Carolina Maritime Museum for the information they supplied. I would be remiss if I did not thank the Jacksonville University personnel, especially Anna Large, research librarian; Margaret Dixon, from interlibrary loan department; and Peggy Rickey of duplicating.
Also, I thank the following organizations for their permission to publish a photograph from their archives: the Smithsonian Institution for the photograph of the Francis metallic lifeboat; the Erie County Historical Society, Erie, Pennsylvania, for the print of Douglass Ottinger, Cutter Service; and the Bangor Public Library, Bangor, Maine, for the photograph of the Penobscot Lumberjack’s Batteau


Electricity for the Entertainment Electrician & Technician

There’s an ancient story of a martial arts master who attempts to give one of his students, the “chosen one,” the secret to harnessing the power of the universe. But the two of them discover that the sacred scroll containing the secret is nothing but a blank reflective surface. Eventually, the student realizes the true meaning of the scroll, that the power of the universe is already inside of him. Armed with this newfound knowledge, the student becomes the master and defeats the evil warrior.

You may recognize this ancient story as the plot of the movie Kung Fu Panda. Yes, I realize that it’s a children’s animated movie about a noodlemaking panda bear with no formal martial arts training who is chosen over five highly skilled experts to fulfill a prophecy by defeating the villain. And I do realize that the movie is designed to appeal more to the funny bone than to the think muscle. But as I was in the process of writing the final chapter of this book, I took my 11-year-old daughter to see this movie. I couldn’t help thinking that its message, that the greatest power is inside of us all, is exactly the message that I want to convey to you, the reader, about this book. The “sacred scroll” that you now hold in your hands is nothing more than a highly reflective surface. It merely reflects the incredible power of your mind to visualize, analyze, and comprehend. That power is inside of you, and my hope is that this book will help you bring it out.

But before you undertake the journey through these pages, take some time to reflect on what it might take to reach your goals. How much effort are you willing to put forth? How much time can you spend each day working to achieve your desires? Someone once said that if you’re interested in something you’ll do what’s convenient, but if you’re passionate about something you’ll do whatever it takes. No student has ever mastered a subject without making great sacrifices. It takes time, dedication, hard work, contemplation, and concerted effort. It’s no different whether we’re talking about the martial arts, theatre arts, performing arts, or the art of mastering electricity.

The information contained in this book is not difficult, but it can be challenging. Some of the concepts can challenge your ability to straddle the line between abstract thought and real-world application. But if you love the production arts as much as Po, the kung fu panda, loves food and the martial arts, then you too are capable of impressive feats of artistry. All it takes now is for you to see your reflection in these pages. So I challenge you to dive into this book with the same enthusiasm as a panda bear fighting for a dumpling.

Semi-Markov Risk Models for Finance, Insurance and Reliability

This book aims to give a complete and self-contained presentation of semi- Markov models with finitely many states, in view of solving real life problems of risk management in three main fields: Finance, Insurance and Reliability providing a useful complement to our first book (Janssen and Manca (2006))
which gives a theoretical presentation of semi-Markov theory. However, to help assure the book is self-contained, the first three chapters provide a summary of the basic tools on semi-Markov theory that the reader will need to understand our presentation. For more details, we refer the reader to our first book (Janssen and Manca (2006)) whose notations, definitions and results have been used in these four first chapters.
Nowadays, the potential for theoretical models to be used on real-life problems is severely limited if there are no good computer programs to process the relevant data. We therefore systematically propose the basic algorithms so that effective numerical results can be obtained. Another important feature of this book is its presentation of both homogeneous and non-homogeneous models. It is well known that the fundamental structure of many real-life problems is nonhomogeneous in time, and the application of homogeneous models to such problems gives, in the best case, only approximated results or, in the worst case, nonsense results.
This book addresses a very large public as it includes undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics and applied mathematics, in economics and business studies, actuaries, financial intermediaries, engineers and operation researchers, but also researchers in universities and rd departments of banking, insurance and industry.
Readers who have mastered the material in this book will see how the classical models in our three fields of application can be extended in a semi-Markov environment to provide better new models, more general and able to solve problems in a more adapted way. They will indeed have a new approach giving a
more competitive knowledge related to the complexity of real-life problems.
Let us now give some comments on the contents of the book. As we start from the fact that the semi-Markov processes are the children of a successful marriage between renewal theory and Markov chains, these two topics are presented in Chapter 2. The full presentation of Markov renewal theory, Markov random walks and semi-Markov processes, functionals of (J-X) processes and semi-Markov random
walks is given in Chapter 3 along with a short presentation of non-homogeneous Markov and semi-Markov processes.


National Law in WTO Law

This book examines how national law is treated in WTO law -- both in the WTO treaty and dispute settlement cases. The WTO treaty contains a set of far-reaching obligations establishing a systemic and
constitutional framework of interaction between WTO law and national law. WTO dispute settlement operates as an international layer of judicial review of national laws and administrative, judicial or
quasi-judicial measures. Consequently, many of the WTO dispute settlement decisions and rulings relate in different ways to Members’ national laws. Yet, there is no systematic analysis of this vastly
important subject. This book provides the first thorough map of an increasingly complex field. In doing so, it extends the enquiry beyond well-known formulas and combines practical analysis with principled
discussion of how the treatment of national law in international law can -- and indeed should -- ensure effectiveness of international rules and promote good governance within nation-states.
Sharif Bhuiyan is an Advocate of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. He received LL.B. (Hons.) and LL.M. degrees from Dhaka University and LL.M. and Ph.D. degrees from Cambridge University, where he was a Commonwealth scholar. He is a member of the law chambers of Dr. Kamal Hossain & Associates. He teaches a course on Structure, Process and Laws of International Governance and Cooperation at the Centre for Governance Studies, BRAC University.

Beyond Oil and Gas: The Methanol Economy

After just three years since the publication of the first edition of our book it is rewarding that favorable reception and interest prompted our publisher to suggest an updated edition. The concept of our proposed ‘‘Methanol Economy’’ in the intervening time has made progress from extended research to practical development in countries around the world. From smaller demonstration plants to full-scale
methanol and derived dimethyl ether (DME) plants, practical industrial applications are growing in this field. These include carbon dioxide to methanol (and DME) conversion plants but also large million metric tonnes per year, coal or natural gas based mega-plants using still available large coal and natural gas resources.
The full potential of the Methanol Economy will be realized, however, when the chemical
recycling of natural and industrial carbon dioxide sources into methanol and its derived products are widely implemented, making their use environmentally carbon neutral and regenerative. This will allow us to mitigate the grave environmental problems linked to global warming. At the same time chemical carbon dioxide recycling, eventually from the air itself, will provide humankind with an inexhaustible
carbon source available everywhere on earth. The needed hydrogen for the conversion of CO2 into methanol can be produced from water using any renewable or atomic energy source. This conversion will allow the continued production of convenient transportation and household fuels, and synthetic hydrocarbons and their products on which we all so much depend on. It should be emphasized that
methanol is not an energy source but only a convenient way to store, transport and use any form of energy.We are not suggesting that this approach is necessarily in all aspects the only solution for the future. The Methanol Economy, however, is a new feasible and realistic approach, warranting further development and increasing practical application.


Arithmetic of Quadratic Forms (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)

Arithmetic of Quadratic Forms (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)

by:  Goro Shimura

This book can be divided into two parts. The first part is preliminary and consists of algebraic number theory and the theory of semisimple algebras. The raison d’ˆetre of the book is in the second part, and so let us first explain the contents of the second part.
There are two principal topics:
(A) Classification of quadratic forms;
(B) Quadratic Diophantine equations.
Topic (A) can be further divided into two types of theories:
(a1) Classification over an algebraic number field;
(a2) Classification over the ring of algebraic integers.
To classify a quadratic form ϕ over an algebraic number field F, almost all previous authors followed the methods of Helmut Hasse. Namely, one first takes ϕ in the diagonal form and associates an invariant to it at each prime spot of F, using the diagonal entries. A superior method was introduced by Martin Eichler in 1952, but strangely it was almost completely ignored, until I resurrected it in one of my recent papers. We associate an invariant to ϕ at each prime spot, which is the same as Eichler’s, but we define it in a different
and more direct way, using Clifford algebras. In Sections 27 and 28 we give an exposition of this theory. At some point we need the Hasse norm theorem for a quadratic extension of a number field, which is included in class field theory. We prove it when the base field is the rational number field to make the book self-contained in that case.
The advantage of our method is that it enables us to discuss (a2) in a clearcut way. The main problem is to determine the genera of quadratic forms with integer coefficients that have given local invariants. A quaratic form of n variables with integer coefficients can be given in the form ϕ[x] = n i, j=1 cijxixj with a symmetric matrix (cij) such that cii and 2cij are integers for every i and j. If the matrix represents a symmetric form with integer coefficients, then cij is an integer for every (i, j). Thus there are two types of classification theories over the ring of integers: one for quadratic forms and the other for symmetric forms. In fact, the former is easier than the latter. There were several previous results in the unimodular case, but there were few, if any, investigations in the general case. We will determine the genera of quadratic or symmetric forms over the integers that are reduced in the sense that they cannot be represented by other quadratic or symmetric forms nontrivially.
This class of forms contains forms with square-free discriminant. We devote Section 32 to strong approximation in an indefinite orthogonal group of more than two variables, and as applications we determine the classes instead of the genera of indefinite reduced forms. The origin of Topic (a2) is the investigation of Gauss concerning primitive representations of an integer as a sum of three squares. In our book of 2004 we
gave a framework in which we could discuss similar problems for an arbitrary quadratic form of more than two variables over the integers. In Chapter VII we present an easier and more accessible version of the theory. Though Gauss treated sums of three squares, he did not state any general principle; he merely explained the technique by which he could solve his problems. In fact, we state results as two types of formulas for a quadratic form, which can be specialized in two different ways to what Gauss was doing. Without going into details here we refer the reader to Section 34 in which a historical perspective
is given. Our first main theorem of quadratic Diophantine equations is given in Section 35, from which we derive the two formulas in Section 37.
Let us now come to the first part of the book in which we give preliminaries that are necessary for the main part concerning quadratic forms. Assuming that the reader is familiar with basic algebra, we develop algebraic number theory and also the theory of semisimple algebras more or less in standard ways, and even in old-fashioned ways, whenever we think that is the easiest and most suitable for beginners. In fact, almost all of the material in this part have been taken from the notes of my lectures at Princeton University. However, we have tried a few new approaches and included some theorems that cannot be found in ordinary textbooks. For instance, our formulation and proof of the quadratic reciprocity law in a generalized form do not seem
to be well-known; the same may be said about the last theorem of Section 10, which is essentially strong approximation in a special linear group. In the same spirit, we add the classical theory of genera as the last section of the book.
We could have made the whole book self-contained by including an easy part of class field theory, but in order to keep the book a reasonable length, we chose a compromised plan. Namely, we prove basic theorems in local class field theory only in some special cases, and the Hilbert reciprocity law only
over the rational number field. However, we at least state the main theorems with an arbitrary number field as the base field, so that the reader who knows class field theory can learn the arithmetic theory of quadratic forms with no further references.
To conclude the preface, it is my great pleasure to express my deepest thanks to my friends Koji Doi, Tomokazu Kashio, Kaoru Okada, and Hiroyuki Yoshida, who kindly read earlier versions of the first two-thirds of the book and contributed many invaluable comments.


Dependability of Networked Computer-based Systems

Dependability of Networked Computer-based Systems

by:  Ajit Kumar Verma, Srividya Ajit, Manoj Kumar


This book is meant for research scholars, scientists and practitioners involved with the application of computer-based systems in critical applications. Ensuring dependability of systems used in critical applications is important due to the impact of their failures on human life, investment and environment. The individual
aspects of system dependability—reliability, availability, safety, timeliness and security are the factors that determine application success. To answer the question on reliance on computers in critical applications, this book explores the integration of dependability attributes within practical, working systems. The book addresses the growing international concern for system dependability and reflects the important advances in understanding how dependability manifests in computerbased systems.
Probability theory, which began in the seventeenth century is now a wellestablished branch of mathematics and finds applications in various natural and social sciences, i.e. from weather prediction to predicting the risk of new medical treatments. The book begins with an elementary treatment of the basic definitions and theorems that form the foundation for the premise of this work. Detailed information on these can be found in the standard books on probability theory and stochastic theory, for a comprehensive appraisal. The mathematical techniques used have been kept as elementary as possible and Markov chains, DSPN models
and Matlab code are given where relevant.
Chapter 1 begins with an introduction to the premise of this book, where dependability concepts are introduced. Chapter 2 provides the requisite foundation on the essentials of probability theory, followed by introduction to stochastic processes and models in Chap. 3. Various dependability models of computer-based
systems are discussed in Chap. 4. Markov models for the systems considering safe failures, perfect and imperfect periodic proof tests, and demand rate have been derived. Analysis has been done to derive closed form solution for performancebased safety index and availability.
In Chap. 5, medium access control (MAC) protocol mechanisms of three candidate networks are presented in detail. The MAC mechanism is responsible for the access to the network medium, and hence effects the timing requirement


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ebooksclub.org__Gender Differences in Mathematics An Integrative Psychological Approach

Females consistently score lower than males on standardized tests of mathematics, yet no such differences exist in the classroom. These differences are not trivial, nor are they insignificant. Test scores help determine entrance to college and graduate school and, therefore, by extension, a person’s job and future success. If females receive lower test scores, then they also receive fewer opportunities. Why does this discrepancy exist? This book presents a series of chapters that address these issues by integrating the latest research
findings and theories. Authors such as Diane Halpern, Jacquelynne Eccles, Beth Casey, Ronald Nuttal, James Byrnes, and Frank Pajares tackle these questions from a variety of perspectives. Many different branches of psychology are represented, including cognitive, social, personality/self-oriented, and psychobiological. The editors then present an integrative chapter that discusses the ideas presented and other areas that the field should explore.

Ann M. Gallagher is Research Scientist at the Law School Admission Council. Her main research interest is sources of group differences in test performance and problem solving. She has published in the Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Educational Measurement, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Merrill Palmer Quarterly, and Teacher’s College Record. James C. Kaufman is Assistant Professor of Psychology at the California State University at San Bernardino, where he is also Director of the
Learning Research Institute. He is coauthor of The Creativity Conundrum (with Jean Pretz and Robert Sternberg, 2002) and was coeditor of The Evolution of Intelligence (with Robert Sternberg, 2002).

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The Return of the Gift European History of a Global Idea

This book is a history of European interpretations of the gift from the mid-seventeenth to the early twentieth century. Reciprocal gift exchange, pervasive in traditional European society, disappeared from the discourse
of nineteenth-century social theory only to return as a major theme in twentieth-century anthropology, sociology, history, philosophy, and literary studies. Modern anthropologists encountered gift exchange in Oceania and the Pacifi c Northwest and returned the idea to European social thought; Marcel Mauss synthesized their insights with his own readings from remote times and places in his famous 1925 essay on the gift, the starting point for subsequent discussion. The Return of the Gift demonstrates how European intellectual history can gain fresh signifi cance from global contexts.

Harry Liebersohn is a professor of history in the Department of History, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He is the author of several books, including Fate and Utopia in German Sociology, 1871–1923 (1988); Aristocratic Encounters: European Travelers and North American Indians (Cambridge University Press, 1998); and The Travelers’ World: Europe to the Pacifi c (2006). His article “Discovering Indigenous Nobility: Tocqueville, Chamisso, and Romantic Travel Writing,” which appeared in the American Historical Review , was awarded the 1995 William Koren, Jr., Prize of the Society for French Historical Studies. Professor Liebersohn was a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, in
1996–1997 and a Fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin) in 2006–2007.

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[Free Eook] Pro ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming

As I write this foreword, we are days away from Visual Studio 2005 becoming official. The software
has been “complete” for several months now and the last weeks of the project involve
scouring the code to ensure no rogue bug appears. As the multiple development teams move
their code from their team branches into escrow, the level of anticipation is reaching a
crescendo within the developer community. And rightfully so because for many developers,
ASP.NET 2.0 will revolutionize the way they build software by simplifying many of the common
tasks, in much the same way as ASP.NET 1.0 did for Active Server Page developers.
I recall a similar event when .NET 1.0 was released. Microsoft web developers had to bide
their time with Active Server Pages, which was a great technology at the time, but it was mostly
script based or interpreted. ASP.NET 1.0 changed the way developers thought about writing
their applications. For example, the new Cache API allowed developers to skip the often used
hack of storing commonly accessed data in application state memory; server controls allowed
us to take concepts of reuse found at the component layer and “componentize” the UI. Of
course, there was much, much more, but the biggest improvement by far was that ASP.NET was
built on top of the Common Language Runtime (CLR), providing ASP.NET with a host of benefits
ranging from garbage collection to multiple language support. Here is an interesting piece
of .NET trivia: Did you know that ASP.NET was the first product group within Microsoft to agree
to build their new platform, later to be known as .NET? How far we’ve come…
The planning for .NET 2.0, codenamed Whidbey, began before version 1.0 even shipped,
just as the planning and development for the next version, codenamed Orcas, is already
underway. An interesting aside: If you drive north from Redmond towards Canada, home of
Whistler-Blackcomb—one of the best snowboarding (skiing too) destinations in North
America—there is a restaurant at the base of these mountains called Longhorn (the Windows
Vista codename). On the way to Longhorn, as the crow flies, you’ll pass the city of Everett (codename
of .NET 1.1) and the islands of Whidbey and Orcas.
Every adventure needs a trusted guide. In this exploration of ASP.NET 2.0, whether you are
new to technology or intimately familiar with it, Damon’s book will be a trustworthy
companion. Damon shares his experience as a professional ASP.NET 2.0 software developer
who has not only been studying ASP.NET 2.0 but has used it extensively.
The opening chapters of the book examine defensive programming concepts new to
ASP.NET 2.0, in particular those related to managing the configuration system. The ASP.NET
XML driven configuration system, aka Web.config, not only receives many new settings but
also a programmatic API for managing the system. Although the XML can still be edited
directly, the APIs now allow those settings to be managed through tools as well.
Starting in Chapter 3, Damon begins to explore some of the new user interface features of
ASP.NET 2.0. Master Pages and themes provide us with many more options for customizing the
look-and-feel of our web applications. Damon also examines page skinning, a feature that originated
in ASP.NET Forums (now Community Server) and enables developers to build modular
controls whereby their UI is decoupled from their implementation.


[Free Ebook]Building Websites With Joomla!: A step by step tutorial to getting your Joomla! CMS website up fast

This book is being written in a small village in Sachsen-Anhalt in Germany, among other places. I live in this village. There is no access to DSL here; there are no public WLAN hotspots, no UMTS, no large companies and no city noise.
My work consists of activities like lecturing, advising, listening, testing and trying, programming, learning how to understand structures, trying to get to the bottom of things, and constantly testing again. This means customers in different countries, with different languages and cultures. A lot of these activities can be done online. But I am often on the road for weeks on end. Long car, bus or train trips; short to extremely short response times for email customer inquiries.
This type of work has ramifications on what we used to call an office.
Five years ago, it was normal to store e-mails on your home or office computer. Today, various service providers are offering almost inexhaustible disk space for these purposes. In larger companies, terminal servers are becoming more and more influential. The bandwidth of Internet connections is increasing; maybe in my village soon as well!
The terminal with which you and I access our information becomes ever less important. What you really need is a stable, affordable Internet connection over WLAN, UMTS, telephone, or satellite, a browser, a screen that can display the information, and a keyboard that is as ergonomic as possible and, of course, electricity. You can access your pool of e-mails, pictures, and documents from anywhere in the world.
In this world, a company, an institution, an association, an organization needs an Internet presence that is also user-friendly and flexible. One that is in tune with the times, one that can be easily modified from a browser, and that replaces your briefcase and your address directory, that can communicate with all kinds of systems, and that is easily expanded.
This website is the place where you can explain to others what you do, and/or what your company does. It is the place that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to maintain your customer relations. Until recently, the production of such a homepage was a difficult thing. You didn't have to be a designated specialist, but a certain perseverance combined with an interest in the topic was necessary to produce an appealing result. You had to create static HTML pages with an HTML editor and subsequently load them onto a server via File Transfer Protocol. To provide even the simplest interactivity like a guest book or a forum, you had to learn a programming language. Many people, for understandable reasons, were reluctant to take on this hardship and therefore either handed the production of their homepage to a web agency or decided to not even start such a project.
But rescue is near, because what you now have in your hand, this book, is the travel guide to Joomla!, one of the smartest website administration system of the world.
The word Joomla! is derived from Jumla from Swahili and means "all together".