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Prestasi Badminton Indonesia Turun, Siapa yang Salah?

  • Tuesday, May 14, 2013
  • by
  • Bandar Tplink

  • Tim Badminton Indonesia Di Sea Games 2011
    Kita ketahui Indonesia merupakan salah satu juara dalam hal badminton di dunia Internasional. Negara mana yang tidak mengetahui prestasi Indonesia di pentas kejuaraan badminton. Indonesia pernah menempati atletnya sebagai pemecah rekor dunia sebagai juara sebanyak tujuh kali berturut-turut. Prestasi ini tidak diraih oleh Negara manapun sampai saat ini, hanya Indonesia yang mampu membuat sejarah tersebut. Sebenarnya prestasi Indonesia dibidang badminton tidak bisa dianggap remeh, karena sudah dari tahun 1950an Indonesia sudah bisa meraih juara Internasional. Padahal umur persatuan badminton di Indonesia belumlah berumur tua, namun prestasi yang di torehkan sudah sangat baik untuk pendatang baru seperti Indonesia. Dikala itu semangat nasionalisme lah yang membuat para atlet bisa meraih prestasi yang tinggi bukan karena raket, sepatu atau fasilitas lainnya.

    Berbeda dengan keadaan pada zaman dahulu, presatasi badminton Indonesia saat ini masih jauh dari kondisi pada zaman kejayaan badminton Indonesia. Entah karena kesalahan regenerasi atau salah pemerintah yang kurang perhatian akan salah satu olahraga ini. Untuk masalah regenerasi, saat ini Indonesia tidak pernah kekurangan pemain muda yang berbakat. Terbukti dengan banyaknya pemain muda yang mulai mengisi pada posisi timnas senior badminton Indonesia. Banyak klub-klub yang membina pemain muda untuk dididik menjadi pebulutangkis yang berkualitas secara intelektual dan skill. Karena pada zaman modern sekarang ini, skill tidaklah cukup untuk membuat Indonesia bisa memenangi disetiap pertandingan. Lantas, apakah kurangnya sifat nasionalisme pada era modern saat ini? Saya rasa untuk masalah nasionalisme para atlet sudah tidak diragukan lagi. Membawa nama bangsa sendiri di kancah internasional siapa yang tak bangga?
    Taufik Hidayat Pemenang Medali Emas Olimpiade 2004

    Lalu apa lagi faktor yang membuat prestasi badminton Indonesia bisa turun drastic seperti ini? Mungkinkah dukungan dari masyarakatnya yang sudah tidak “care” terhadap olahraga ini? Pada dasarnya fakta ini sudah bisa kita lihat jelas dari setiap pertandingan timnas yang dilaksanakan di Indonesia . Apakah dukungan terhadap bulutangkis Indonesia seramai dukungan untuk olahraga sebelah? Ya memang benar, dukungan supporter memang tidak dapat dianggap remeh. Semangat para atlet sudah pasti terpompa sampai berkali-kali lipat ketika mendengar teriakan “Innndooonesiaaaa”. Dukungan dari masyarakat Indonesia merupakan salah satu dukungan yang penting. Di Indonesia sendiri sudah banyak hal yang mendukung agar badminton dapat menjadi salah satu olahraga yang mampu mengharumkan nama bangsa. Hal tersebut diantaranya sarana,pemerintah serta hal lain seperti kompetisi. Sebenarnya Indonesia memiliki kompetisi super series yang sekelas dunia bahkan terbaik di dunia. Sejak tahun 1982 PT Djarum dan Persatuan Bulutangkis Seluruh Indonesia (PBSI) mengadakan kompetisi sekelas internasional yang biasa dikenal dengan Djarum Indonesia Open (DIO) yang terakhir diadakan pada bulan Februari bulan lalu.

    Dukung badminton sebagai kebanggan bangsa!Dengan adanya kompetisi ini, sudah cukup membuat nama Indonesia dikenal dimata dunia. Apakah Indonesia kurang bangga dengan kompetisi sebaik ini? Saya harap Indonesia tidak cepat bangga, agar kompetisi ini bisa terus menuju kesempuranaan nantinya. Oleh karena itu, janganlah kita berbangga hati dengan kompetisi kita namun presatasi masih terpuruk. Seperti yang saya bahas tadi, dukungan dari seluruh lapisan masyarakat Indonesia lah yang amat sangat mempengaruhi prestasi badminton Indonesia. Pasalnya, untuk siapa prestasi ini diraih? Apakah atlet tersebut? Apakah pelati atlet tersebut? Tidak, saya yakin prestasi tersebut pasti dipersembahkan untuk bangsa dan rakyat Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, jangan sampai salah satu olahraga yang membanggakan bangsa ini terus terpuruk. Dukung badminton Indonesia agar kembali bisa bersinar kembali. Salah satu dukungannya yaitu dengan membantu visi Djarum Indonesia Open yaitu  "Djarum Indonesia Open mendukung badminton sebagai kebanggaan bangsa". Dan visi tersebut akan tercapai jika Indonesia meraih prestasi yang gemilang di kancah Internasional. Dukungan masyarakat terus dibutuhkan demi terwujudnya Badminton Sebagai Kebanggan Bangsa.


    Derrick Rose : Bulls Vs Lakers

  • Sunday, December 25, 2011
  • by
  • Bandar Tplink
  • Even as their team won championships, Lakers fans came to tire of the cir- cumstances. There was the game’s overwhelmingly dominant center and the game’s resplendent, highflying, ultra-talented wing player, both seemingly caught in a constant snit over who should have the ball. And the newspapers were having a field day reporting their clashes. Shaq versus Kobe, right?Derrick Rose : Bulls Vs Lakers . Hardly. We’re talking about George Mikan, the pro game’s first great center, and Jim Pollard, the original jumping jack, playmaking guard/forward. A half
    century before Shaquille O’Neal and Kobe Bryant chased their curious chemistry as Lakers teammates, Mikan and Pollard spent their careers with the old Minneapolis Lakers alternating between fighting over the ball and winning championships. They won six of them, in fact, including five NBA titles and one in the old National League. And they debated their chemistry every step of the way. The bad news for O’Neal and Bryant is that four decades after Mikan and Pollard won their last title, they were still jawing over the issue in interviews for history books.Derrick Rose : Bulls Vs Lakers  It seems that these hoops conflicts run forever, or until the last sports talk radio show signs off. As Tex Winter, the longtime observer of the game, explained, “That’s basketball.” That’s also the Lakers, the ultimate team in the history of the game. As the cover of this book declares, this is their story, told in their own words. Not surprisingly, it’s a bit complicated. There’s a team plane crash in a snowstorm, at least two near financial fail- ures, more than a few bewildering real estate transactions, a high-profile rape case, a low-profile indecent exposure case, an unsolved murder, the firings ofseveral winning coaches, and enough sexual hijinks to qualify as a soap opera,

    The Insurance Book of Complete , Understand the Coverage You REALLY Need

  • Thursday, November 10, 2011
  • by
  • Bandar Tplink
  •          The purpose of this book is to demystify the world of insurance for the average homeowner, car owner and driver, and apartment renter. It is almost impossible for ordinary consumers to make genuinely informed choices without understanding how the business of insurance works; what the different marketing channels for selling policies are; and, what is or is not typically covered by a given kind of policy. Unfortunately, if the wrong choices are made and a loss occurs, the consequences can be all too interesting, frightening, and life-changing. Unsuitable insurance choices present the potential of no coverage for a substantial theft or fire loss or not enough coverage for a catastrophic liability lawsuit, such as an automobile accident, that could
    force you into bankruptcy. Is insurance a complete answer to all risks of adverse financial circumstances?
    No, of course not. But, within the realm of potential exposures to loss that the average person will face, insurance provides a relatively inexpensive way of helping to protect one’s property and fortunes from ruin.
              As an insurance coverage attorney, I have often seen the consequences of the failure to purchase insurance that could easily have provided protection from an avoidable, uncovered claim. Liability exposures under homeowners and auto policies present potentially great financial exposures to the average homeowner, auto owner, tenant, or small business owner. There is the crucial requirement that you maintain adequate insurance to value. There is also a need for you to do something to document your personal property and to maintain that record in a secure place, preferably off premises, in the event of a total loss. This book will highlight many similar issues. I mean to inform, not lecture. I am as upset and angered by claims that are mishandled as by claims in which I see denials of coverage that are correct because the policyholders were uneducated or misinformed and therefore did not purchase appropriate coverage. Too often, individuals find themselves
    in litigation with their insurers, their insurance agent, or both over a claim that they believed was or should have been covered. Regardless of the correctness of the insurer’s claim decision, such litigation can impose financial and emotional costs on the individuals involved. I welcome the opportunity to provide the reader with information necessary to become an informed insurance consumer, and thereby afford those readers the peace of mind that insurance is meant to provide.

              I am an attorney and work for a law firm that represents a great many insurers. Thus, the following disclaimer.The opinions expressed throughout this book are my personal opinions, not those of the law firm for which I work, nor of any of that firm’s clients: insurers, or otherwise. I also give some examples in this book as to how certain coverage provisions may or may not apply or be interpreted. Unless the example comes from an identified court decision, these examples are purely hypothetical and should be considered illustrative only. In a real life situation, a judge or jury may disagree with how I suggest a policy provision should be understood or interpreted. No attorney-client relationship exists, and shall not be deemed to exist, between any purchaser or reader of this book and the author, the law firm for which the author works, or of any of that firm’s attorneys.The discussions in this book are general and are intended to provide the reader with background information about various aspects of the business of insurance to assist the reader in making decisions about insurance issues. No legal advice is contained in or offered by this book, and nothing stated in this book should be relied on as such. Any reader having specific questions needs to consult with a lawyer licensed to practice in the state where the reader lives. The facts of a particular situation and the actual language of the reader’s policy, interpreted according to applicable local laws, will control the outcome of any particular issue or claim.


    Fifty More Places to Play Golf Before You Die: Golf Experts Share the World's Greatest Destinations

  • Thursday, October 27, 2011
  • by
  • Bandar Tplink
  • This book would not have been possible without the generous assistance of the expert golfers who shared their time and experiences to help bring these great golf venues to life. To these men and women, I offer the most heartfelt thanks. I would especially like to thank Jeff Wallach and Kevin Cook, who offered encouragement and made many introductions on my behalf. I also want to acknowledge the fine efforts of my agent, Stephanie Kip Rostan, editor, Jennifer Levesque, and designer, Anna Christian, who helped bring
    the book into being, along with copy editor Sylvia Karchmar and proofreader Elizabeth Norment. Since I first picked up a golf club when I was sixteen years old, I’ve made many fine golfing friends, some of whom I can still defeat on occasion. This group includes Ken Matsumoto, Gary Smith, Howard Kyser, Peter “Jimi” Clough, Mike McDonough (I’m taking good care of the trophy, Mike!), Jeff Sang, Jerry Stein, Dave Sinise, Ed O’Brien, Don Ryder, Lee Galban, Andy and Peter Waugh, Dave Tegeler, Chris Bittenbender, Sloan
    Morris, Keith Carlson, Roberto Borgatti, Andrew Altman, and Paul Riffel. I look forward to many more days on the links with these friends and the new ones to be made on the first tee. These companions all understand that there’s no performance on the first eighteen holes that can’t be made a bit better by a brief stop at the nineteenth! Lastly, I must thank my mom and dad for their constant encouragement, and the three ladies in my life—Deidre, Cassidy, and Annabel—for their generosity in time and spirit, which lets me slide away to the links so frequently. If only they could help me improve my game. . .


    Keynes's General Theory After Seventy Years (International Economic Association)

  • Sunday, October 23, 2011
  • by
  • Bandar Tplink
  • We are very grateful to the Monte dei Paschi di Siena for its generous sponsorship of the International Economic Association conference “Keynes’s General Theory After Seventy Years”, July 3 to 6, 2006, to the University of Siena for its support of the conference, and to Valerie Natzios and Robert Mundell for their wonderful hospitality at the Palazzo Mundell in Santa Colomba, where the conference was held. In addition to the more formal papers collected here, the participants in the conference had the great treat of hearing C. Lowell Harris’s recollections of how Keynes’s General Theory was received at Columbia University in 1937, when Professor Harris began his graduate studies there. We thank Fay Sun for her work on the index to this volume. Thanks are also due to Siena for being Siena: in addition to the seventieth anniversary of the publication of Keynes’s General Theory, the conference also marked the centenary of Keynes’s visit to Siena, and one can easily understand why he was so delighted with Siena and Tuscany.